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Victor_EUsword - 4 hours ago

Oh Dzoni. 😂

Grow up doesn't feel to good huh? You have blogs about me and Dave ! So I wrote one in response doesn't feel good huh to have the truth out does it sweet heart? Laughable have a Merry Christmas ☃️ I needed that laugh thanks sweetie

Victor_EUsword - 4 hours ago


nothing to scam about I saw you have your little blog so I responded mad? Well don't start writing if you can't handle my response . You try to play victim and call us scam but take a look at yourself a good look in the mirror. The only scam is you and your numerous lies and you can't own up to it gotta play victim . I don't care what you call me. I heard running your mouth now I'm responding lol now you wanna play victim when you wrote a blog first I can add pictures to of how you really are!

Victor_EUsword - 35 minutes ago


I can't believe the nonsense I just read 🤣 oh sweety get that head checked delusional as can be . You wrote about me 'silently' yup I am writing too and now you come to the bulletin throwing a tantrum oh boo hoo mean Victor called you out on your Bs go make more Bulliten I'm don't wasting my time responding to you . Make as many as you want I'm through with your sorry hide. I'm not giving ya the time of day any further. Ciao lol merry Christmas ⛄🎄

Its_Marky - 12 minutes ago


DISHONESTLY_DZONI , dumb as fuck you forget I witnessed your treatment at the cave and again at the gazebo. You can't hide the fact you are a lousy person .

Its_Marky - 7 minutes ago

How about you tell the truth Dzoni dishonesty

Blah blah blah tell the truth instead no wonder everyone disown you and you have no friends. No one believes you cause you have a track record of lying . Blah blah lying dishonest Dzoni

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