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Who played with me in this game and how I got kicked out of my family


Ronin1313 and Monie_Chaos, AJ_ZAF, STU92, LEO_Eusword, DJ Mario


Because of this blog, DJ MArio kicked me out of the party. In RLC is not the only party with DJ Mario

DJ Mario had a reminder to my family leader on me without having spoken a single sentence. Is that normal?


Read the blog about AJ_ZAF and soon the folder with photos with which people have sex without any person knowing about the other: D.


AJ_ZAF had to use lies to make the remark to me meaningful and convincing.


When someone builds happiness in another's accident, there is nothing of that love


When I met Ronin1313 in a conversation all night I asked him not to start anything if he thinks he will play with my feelings.


Ronin1313 started a relationship with me that lasted only 2 days. During that time he was already in contact with DJ Moonie now Moonie_Chaos.

I'll never forget, I called my new boyfriend in the house to break me.

A man who claims to be sensitive.


Moonie threatened me that day in the PM that if I did not calm down she would report me and block me.

Extremely nice deal two people for the game.

For a link of 2 weeks, they were so keen to get married.


In RLC before I found a boy I had sex with 3 guys. They had a boyfriend. We had sex 2-3 times. They disappeared and they stopped appearing and writing. I understand them. I'm not angry with them because I knew they had a boyfriend. So they did not hurt me like anyone else.


I will not say their names because they are good people. And their boyfriend does not know about this event


There are a lot of bad people in the RLC


Because of this blog, DJ MArio kicked me out of the party. In RLC is not the only party with DJ Mario.

I did not have a single message with DJ Mario in the PM


AJ_ZAF can not be a good person if he has sex with more than one person who does not know one for another. It gathers around people that they like and that's normal. but it's not normal to cheat people that way. unless one agrees to it. to allow someone to have sex with whom they wish and to return to him afterwards. Unimaginable.


How I got kicked out of the EUsword family.

There is something called a family, and something called a group


There was also a LEO_EUsword to whom I offered friendship. And skype. He blocked me and complained to my family leader. I do not know what he could tell him.



Worst of all, their friends who do not know me instead of staying aside, embracing events that they do not know. And they report me with lies and falsehoods. I'm sorry to be angry, but you've created your hysteria



The ZAF family with AJ_ZAF managed to get me out of my family


I was in contact with two members of the ZAF family and they reported me to my former leader, seven of them. How to? What did they have to tell him?


The objections were later to be intense in order for the ZAF to be convincing in what it says


The leader of a family who had not done anything for the family before, of course, did not even do it now.

I was sincerely worse than in the BMF family,

The EUsword might have been a strong strong family, but few good, nice people and the right people I enjoyed.

I know that the truth hurts. It hurts me.


I love real people. I do not like people who are imaginary,

looking for new friends. RLC is large.


The EUsword family started blocking me for no reason,

they got such an order. They do not listen to their hearts. They do not listen to our communication for a month


No big loss


Seems very false and two faced


so these things are hard for me to fall. blocking some people. because I invested great emotions when I talked to them. and when there was a gadget.


EUsword has proven to be a very weak group. It's not a family. It can not be a family. I was very bad with them and now they have said this by blocking. They do not follow their own rules.


Kris_EUsword blocked me because his boyfriend's boyfriend had me ignored. It means that friendship was fake.


Sheld_Eusword blocked me for no reason.

Judge for yourself what kind of people are and how our friendship was. Fake


Blocking will continue as they will transmit lies to each other. They do not have any benefit from me. I do not need them. Some people benefit and they are important to them.

Some people do not have their own opinion. They fall under the influence of people. They do not believe in their eyes but look at the stranger


I was wrong because I wanted a huge circle of friends. So I love it in real life. I did not do anything to them. Try to make me lonely. and will succeed in doing so. because they are very much.


maybe you'll hate me but remember that I always liked to be a real friend. I helped so much and saved that love. I've connected so many people.


Some were on the brink of collapse, ready to leave RLC. I returned them. They forgot what emotions I invested in nowhere innocent people. Make all your decisions on your own, never allow your decisions to be made by others


No big loss



so I told him it was okay. That's his decision. and I told him that new people would appear. new friends in RLC. I did not say anything more than that. they are egoists. and their ego was hurt. And even I respect myself and have my own principles. I'm nothing and they are all.


List of negative and bad people:



but there are a lot of bad people here. I was convinced of it. They've been here for a long time, they've been bored and entertained in a very ugly way


I can not forgive myself for having humiliated myself with some people here


Some people would love to have everything here, and others would have nothing. Such selfishness is not worthy of man.



They keep telling me what they do not like, does anyone ask us, what we do not like


Now I'm already interested in what kind of people are hiding behind the avatars

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