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eUsword family

01/2022 The story of an incompetent leader of a family that was very honest - Mr  Peter_EUsword

incompetent, not interested in family members. he is interested in buildings. you can cry and be sick. he can give you rays but NEVER support. and will not protect you. I don't know why this man is still here


he never answered. call only when he needs something. and of course he called today. to help the illiterate Foxy who blocks me 10 questions and unblocks me 10 times to tell me to take away his rights to the decorations. Foxy once made an inscription for me and then he mistyped the letters for the name "gallery". imagine that I gave the fox the right to decorate my places.

when I told him and explained to him and told him that he was not a small child but an old man then he found himself offended and blocked me. and he really is a great man to act like a child. my property will never be managed again. I was wrong not to get rid of foxy long ago via rlc. and it has already been blocked several times because it is disturbing. persecution.

Peter is weak and incompetent. he'll give you some time and leave. whether they look at your property or listen to your problem is all the same. and that's fine. but he took it upon himself to be the leader of the family. incompetent man. they left that family of people. and he knows well. and did nothing. they had neither a place to buy nor a party. they hardly exist.

he plays a fool with some innovations and buildings and does not take care of the family and its members. he was not allowed to accept that. I hope in real life he is a father. otherwise it would be very sad.

that man has been causing me problems for two years. protected people who are no longer in rlc. and there are screenshots. so as not to be guilty, he made me speak my language. smart. but that means nothing to rlc because it will translate if necessary. I'm just saying he's a poor person. and that for his own benefit he is here. and that benefit is not people or their emotions.

the most common scammer who will devote some time to you. and he doesn't care what you have to say. he has his goals. buildings. and when he gets bored or tired he will bring you to look at it. and then he will leave. he just doesn't belong here. especially not for a family leader.

he is kind at the bar. that's a lie. in a private message he will appear only out of interest. He has been here for 10 years, he will destroy everything that is good. he won't be able to protect anyone because he doesn't want to. and I'm glad I left an incompetent family. who lives only in lies.

​And Peter is a boring person because he is only interested in decoration. he is not interested in people. he always goes alone. and then calls his family to show them the place

2019 SinJin_Khan blocked me after talking to Peter_EUsword


Dzoni_Honesty_: oh my friend

Dzoni_Honesty_: I'm glad to see you

Dzoni_Honesty_: hello

SinJin_Khan: hi

Dzoni_Honesty_: I'm glad to see you

An interview between Sheld_EUsword and me. I just said it and he blocked me


Dzoni_Honesty_: you can never escape me. If I loved you that was true. I can not change my mind or feelings

Dzoni_Honesty_: but ok

Dzoni_Honesty_: The decision is yours and I respect it. Just do not tell people differently that it was.

Dzoni_Honesty_: only tells the truth

Dzoni_Honesty_: did not fair
Dzoni_Honesty_: :(

Dzoni_Honesty_: We want to calm down either,,,,,




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