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_ALEX_       &           BIRI     Congratulations on your wedding


Kyna_JoP: We gather here today, in the presence of family and friends to join Biri and Alex In matrimony.We celebrate the coming together in love of these men. We remember that marriage is a time when growing love is made public, when two people share mutual promises. We join in our support of them as they offer themselves to each other. We celebrate their joy, their love and their expectations. Kyna_JoP: Ci riuniamo qui oggi, in presenza di familiari e amici per unirsi a Biri e Alex In matrimonio.Celebriamo la riunione in amore per questi uomini. Ricordiamo che il matrimonio è un momento in cui la crescita dell'amore è resa pubblica, quando due persone condividono le promesse reciproche. Ci uniamo nel nostro sostegno a loro mentre si offrono a vicenda. Celebriamo la loro gioia, il loro amore e le loro aspettative.Che tu abbia sempre bisogno l'uno dell'altro, non tanto per riempire il vuoto quanto per aiutarsi a vicenda a conoscere la tua pienezza.


Kyna_JoP: May you always need one another, not so much to fill the emptiness as to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. Look for things to praise, often say 'I love you' and take no notice of small faults. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another.Biri and Alex , the covenant which you are about to make with each other is meant to be a beautiful and sacred expression of your love for each other.

Kyna_JoP: Che tu abbia sempre bisogno l'uno dell'altro, non tanto per riempire il vuoto quanto per aiutarsi a vicenda a conoscere la tua pienezza.Che tu possa volerti l'un l'altro, ma non per mancanza. Possiate abbracciarvi l'un l'altro, ma non circondarvi l'un l'altro.Possiate riuscire in tutti i modi importanti l'uno con l'altro, e non fallire nelle piccole grazie. Cerca le cose da lodare, spesso dì 'Ti amo' e non fare caso a piccole colpe.Possa tu avere la felicità, e potresti trovarla nel far felice l'un l'altro. Che tu possa avere amore, e che tu possa trovarlo amandoci l'un l'altro.Biri e Alex, l'alleanza che stai per fare insieme sono destinati a essere un'espressione bella e sacra del tuo amore reciproco.

Kyna_JoP: As you pledge your vows to each other, and as you commit your lives to each other, we ask that you do so in all seriousness, and yet with a deep sense of joy, with deep conviction that you are committing yourselves to a dynamic growing relationship of trust, mutual support and caring love.To Biri Will you, have Alex to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live?

Kyna_JoP: Possiate riuscire in tutti i modi importanti l'uno con l'altro, e non fallire nelle piccole grazie. Cerca le cose da lodare, spesso dì 'Ti amo' e non fare caso a piccole colpe.Possa tu avere la felicità, e potresti trovarla nel far felice l'un l'altro. Che tu possa avere amore, e che tu possa trovarlo amandoci l'un l'altro.Biri e Alex, l'alleanza che stai per fare insieme sono destinati a essere un'espressione bella e sacra del tuo amore reciproco.


Kyna_JoP: To Alex Will you, have Biri to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and forsaking all others remain true to him as long as you both shall live?

Kyna_JoP: A Alex, vuoi che Biri sia tuo marito? Lo amerai, lo consolerai e lo manterrai, e abbandonare tutti gli altri rimarrà fedele a lui finché vivrai entrambi?


QN_LUChiara_MKVN: Dear brother Alex, dear Biri, life is not easy in a couple. I see in you the diversity that leads to understanding when people are far away and then come back with as much love as on this day. I only wish that you will always be happy always as now and that you love yourself as now. Biri please never let my big brother Alex suffer. I love Alex more than he thinks. You are two wonderful people, you love yourself beyond measure. I love you Chiara

QN_LUChiara_MKVN: Caro fratello Alex, caro Biri, la vita non è facile in coppia. Vedo in te la diversità che porta a capire quando le persone sono lontane e poi tornare con tanto amore come in questo giorno. Spero solo che sarai sempre felice sempre come ora e che ti ami come ora. Biri, per favore, non far soffrire il mio fratello maggiore, Alex. Adoro Alex più di quanto pensi. Sei due persone meravigliose, ti ami oltre misura. Ti voglio bene Chiara


Kyna_JoP: May this be the start of a happy new life That’s full of special moments to share May this be the first of your dreams come true And of hope that will always be there… May this be the start of a lifetime of trust And of caring that’s just now begun…May today be a day that you’ll always remember the day when your hearts become one…

Kyna_JoP: Possa questo essere l'inizio di una nuova vita feliceÈ pieno di momenti speciali da condividerePossa questo essere il primo dei tuoi sogni che si avveraE di speranza che sarà sempre lì ...Possa questo essere l'inizio di una vita di fiduciaE di cura che è appena iniziata ...Che oggi possa essere un giorno che ricorderai per sempreil giorno in cui i tuoi cuori diventano uno ...


Kyna_JoP: Biri  and Alex have thus consented in matrimony and have witnessed the same before family and friends, by the Utherverse on this day I now pronounce you married.You may seal your marriage with a kiss.

Kyna_JoP: Biri e Alex hanno quindi acconsentito al matrimonio e hanno testimoniato lo stesso prima di parenti e amici, dagli Utherverse in questo giorno che ora ti dichiaro sposato.Puoi sigillare il tuo matrimonio con un bacio.

Biri Amore mio, When I first saw you At the Gay Alley I didn't even know who you were or what you wanted from me, but only at the end did I understand what you were looking for, my love that is in meI feel like a traffic jam inside us.Today we stand before the altar to exchange our SI.

_ALEX_VN_TLRH: Perchè Il matrimonio è un impegno a vita,il meglio che due persone possono trovare e portare alla luce nell’altro.Offre opportunità per condividere e crescere assieme giorno dopo giornoche nessuna altra relazione può eguagliare.È un’unione fisica e di sentimentiche viene promessa per tutta una vita.Nel cerchio del suo amore,

Why marriage is a lifetime commitmentthe best that two people can find and bring to light in the other.It offers opportunities to share and grow together day after daythat no other relationship can match.It is a physical and emotional unionwhich is promised for a lifetime.In the circle of his love,

_ALEX_VN_TLRH: il matrimonio racchiude tutte le relazioni più importanti nella vita.Una coppia  è fatta  l’una per l’altra il migliore amico,il confidente, l’amante, l’insegnante, colui che ascolta e il critico.E ci possono essere momenti in cui uno dei due soffre o è in crisi,ma l’amore dell’altro può sostenerci avvicenda.Il matrimonio approfondisce e arricchisce ogni aspetto della vita.La felicità è più piena, i ricordi sono più freschi, l’impegno è più forte,anche la rabbia si sente più forte, e passa via più velocemente.


Greg_EUsword  &  Phoenix Fire  Congratulations on your wedding


Mrs_Raven: Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Phoenix to Greg . You have come here from nearby and from far away to share in this commitment now they make to one another, to offer your love and support to their union, and to allow Phoenix and Greg to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them.

Mrs_Raven: They would like to thank you for your presence here today. They ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married…...Ils aimeraient vous remercier pour votre présence ici aujourd’hui. Ils demandent votre bénédiction, votre encouragement et votre soutien tout au long de la vie, pour leur décision de se marier.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix and Greg , marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend the rest of their lives together. It enables the separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties of life.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix et Greg, le mariage est la promesse entre deux personnes qui s’aiment, qui font confiance à cet amour, qui se respectent mutuellement en tant qu’individus dans cette unité, et qui souhaitent passer le reste de leur vie ensemble. Elle permet aux âmes distinctes de partager leurs désirs, leurs aspirations, leurs rêves et leurs souvenirs, leurs joies et leurs peines, et de s’entraider à travers toutes les incertitudes de la vie

Mrs_Raven: A strong marriage also nurtures each of you as separate individuals and allows you to maintain your unique identity and grow in your own way through the years ahead. It is a safe haven for each of you to become your best self while together you become better than ever could be alone.

Mrs_Raven: Un mariage fort nourrit également chacun de vous en tant que personnes distinctes et vous permet de maintenir votre identité unique et de grandir à votre façon à travers les années à venir. C’est un havre de paix pour chacun d’entre vous de devenir votre meilleur soi tandis que ensemble vous devenez meilleur que jamais pourrait être seul.

Mrs_Raven: You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of a deep trust. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities and love. To make this relationship work, therefore, takes more than love. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other.


Mrs_Raven: Vous ajoutez à votre vie non seulement l’affection de l’autre, mais aussi la compagnie et la bénédiction d’une profonde confiance. Vous acceptez de partager la force, les responsabilités et l’amour. Il faut donc plus que l’amour pour faire fonctionner cette relation. Il faut de la confiance, de savoir dans votre cœur que vous ne voulez que le meilleur pour l’autre.


Mrs_Raven: It takes dedication, to stay open to each other, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for both of you.

Mrs_Raven: Il faut s’y consacrer, rester ouverts l’un à l’autre, apprendre et grandir, même lorsqu’il est difficile de le faire. Et il faut la foi, pour aller de l’avant ensemble sans savoir ce que l’avenir vous réserve pour vous deux.

Mrs_Raven: At this time Phoenix and Greg will do their Declaration Of Intent And Sharing Of Vows

Mrs_Raven: À cette époque, Phoenix et Greg feront leur déclaration d’intention et de partage des vœux

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix ,please repeat after me………………….Phoenix, s’il te plait répète après moi

Mrs_Raven: Greg , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection, To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely/ These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Mrs_Raven: Greg, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

_PhoenixFyre_: Mrs_Raven: Phoenix ,please repeat after me………………….Phoenix, s’il te plait répète après moi


_PhoenixFyre_: Mrs_Raven: Greg, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille


Mrs_Raven: Greg , please repeat after me…………...Greg, s’il te plait répète après moi

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as individuals, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely. These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

Greg_EUsword: Phoenix , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as individuals, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely. These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Greg_EUsword: Phoenix, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , do you take Greg to be your husband?......................................Phoenix, tu prends Greg pour être ton mari?

_PhoenixFyre_: Oui and I do

Mrs_Raven: Greg , do you take Phoenix to be your husband?................................Greg, tu prends Phoenix pour être ton mari?

Greg_EUsword: yes i do and oui je le veux


Mrs_Raven: Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

Mrs_Raven: Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , as you place this ring on Greg’s finger, repeat these words after me:

_PhoenixFyre_: This ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today

Mrs_Raven: Greg , as you place these rings on Phoenix’s finger, repeat these words after me:

Greg_EUsword: This ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today

Greg_EUsword: cette bague symbolise mon amour pour vous et les engagements que nous avons fait aujourd’hui

_PhoenixFyre_: Greg, répétez ces mots après moi:cette bague symbolise mon amour pour vous et les engagements que nous avons fait aujourd’hui

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix and Greg , you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. You have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises. By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband.


Mrs_Raven: . You may now share your first kiss.

Congratulations on your wedding Greg_ and Phoenix

Mrs_Raven: Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Phoenix to Greg . You have come here from nearby and from far away to share in this commitment now they make to one another, to offer your love and support to their union, and to allow Phoenix and Greg to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them.

Mrs_Raven: They would like to thank you for your presence here today. They ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married…...Ils aimeraient vous remercier pour votre présence ici aujourd’hui. Ils demandent votre bénédiction, votre encouragement et votre soutien tout au long de la vie, pour leur décision de se marier.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix and Greg , marriage is the promise between two people who love each other, who trust that love, who honor one another as individuals in that togetherness, and who wish to spend the rest of their lives together. It enables the separate souls to share their desires, longings, dreams, and memories, their joys and sorrows, and to help each other through all uncertainties of life.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix et Greg, le mariage est la promesse entre deux personnes qui s’aiment, qui font confiance à cet amour, qui se respectent mutuellement en tant qu’individus dans cette unité, et qui souhaitent passer le reste de leur vie ensemble. Elle permet aux âmes distinctes de partager leurs désirs, leurs aspirations, leurs rêves et leurs souvenirs, leurs joies et leurs peines, et de s’entraider à travers toutes les incertitudes de la vie

Mrs_Raven: A strong marriage also nurtures each of you as separate individuals and allows you to maintain your unique identity and grow in your own way through the years ahead. It is a safe haven for each of you to become your best self while together you become better than ever could be alone.

Mrs_Raven: Un mariage fort nourrit également chacun de vous en tant que personnes distinctes et vous permet de maintenir votre identité unique et de grandir à votre façon à travers les années à venir. C’est un havre de paix pour chacun d’entre vous de devenir votre meilleur soi tandis que ensemble vous devenez meilleur que jamais pourrait être seul.

Mrs_Raven: You are adding to your life not only the affection of each other, but also the companionship and blessing of a deep trust. You are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities and love. To make this relationship work, therefore, takes more than love. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other.


Mrs_Raven: Vous ajoutez à votre vie non seulement l’affection de l’autre, mais aussi la compagnie et la bénédiction d’une profonde confiance. Vous acceptez de partager la force, les responsabilités et l’amour. Il faut donc plus que l’amour pour faire fonctionner cette relation. Il faut de la confiance, de savoir dans votre cœur que vous ne voulez que le meilleur pour l’autre.


Mrs_Raven: It takes dedication, to stay open to each other, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for both of you.

Mrs_Raven: Il faut s’y consacrer, rester ouverts l’un à l’autre, apprendre et grandir, même lorsqu’il est difficile de le faire. Et il faut la foi, pour aller de l’avant ensemble sans savoir ce que l’avenir vous réserve pour vous deux.

Mrs_Raven: At this time Phoenix and Greg will do their Declaration Of Intent And Sharing Of Vows

Mrs_Raven: À cette époque, Phoenix et Greg feront leur déclaration d’intention et de partage des vœux

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix ,please repeat after me………………….Phoenix, s’il te plait répète après moi

Mrs_Raven: Greg , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection, To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as an individual, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely/ These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Mrs_Raven: Greg, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

_PhoenixFyre_: Mrs_Raven: Phoenix ,please repeat after me………………….Phoenix, s’il te plait répète après moi


_PhoenixFyre_: Mrs_Raven: Greg, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille


Mrs_Raven: Greg , please repeat after me…………...Greg, s’il te plait répète après moi

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as individuals, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely. These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

Greg_EUsword: Phoenix , I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise from this day forward to be grateful for our love and our life. To be generous with my time, my energy and my affection. To be patient with you and with myself. To fill our life with adventure and our home with laughter. To encourage you to grow as individuals, and inspire you to do so. To love you completely. These things I pledge before you, our friends and our family

Greg_EUsword: Phoenix, je te prends comme tu es, aimant qui tu es maintenant et qui tu es encore à devenir. Je promets à partir de ce jour d’être reconnaissant pour notre amour et notre vie. Pour être généreux avec mon temps, mon énergie et mon affection, pour être patient avec toi et avec moi-même. Pour remplir notre vie avec l’aventure et notre maison avec le rire. Pour vous encourager à grandir en tant qu’individu, et vous inspirer à le faire. Pour t’aimer complètement/ces choses que je m’engage devant toi, nos amis et notre famille

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , do you take Greg to be your husband?......................................Phoenix, tu prends Greg pour être ton mari?

_PhoenixFyre_: Oui and I do

Mrs_Raven: Greg , do you take Phoenix to be your husband?................................Greg, tu prends Phoenix pour être ton mari?

Greg_EUsword: yes i do and oui je le veux


Mrs_Raven: Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

Mrs_Raven: Your wedding ring is a symbol of your promise to one another. The ring, an unbroken, never ending circle, is a symbol of committed, unending love.

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix , as you place this ring on Greg’s finger, repeat these words after me:

_PhoenixFyre_: This ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today

Mrs_Raven: Greg , as you place these rings on Phoenix’s finger, repeat these words after me:

Greg_EUsword: This ring symbolizes my love for you and the commitments we made today

Greg_EUsword: cette bague symbolise mon amour pour vous et les engagements que nous avons fait aujourd’hui

_PhoenixFyre_: Greg, répétez ces mots après moi:cette bague symbolise mon amour pour vous et les engagements que nous avons fait aujourd’hui

Mrs_Raven: Phoenix and Greg , you have come here today of your own free will and in the presence of family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. You have given and received a ring as a symbol of your promises. By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband.


Mrs_Raven: . You may now share your first kiss.

Congratulations on your wedding Greg_ and Phoenix

DZONI_XYZ  &  MAC  Congratulations on your wedding

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